Smarter Exercise: Why You Should Chase The Minimum Effective Dose Of Intense Training

"Instead of trying to determine how much exercise we can tolerate perhaps we should try to determine how little we actually need" - Unknown

This quote perfectly sums up the philosophy of The Gymless Training System program.

It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking more is better when it comes to fitness training.

More workouts, longer workouts, double workouts.

Basically an unhelpful case of fitness FOMO.

The problem with more is better thinking is it eventually backfires.

Things might start positively but without sufficient rest you quickly exceed your body's capacity to recover from each bout of hard exercise.

As the days and weeks go by these recovery debts spiral into low energy, nagging aches, reduced fitness and injury.

Classic exercise overshoot.

I've been there many times and I can assure you there is nothing glorious about exercising yourself straight to the physio room!

Much better to aim for the minimum-effective-dose of training and week-on-week progression.

You end up with the same end-result… a fitter body.

While saving a lot of time, energy and cumulative wear & tear along the way.

Word of warning. You may also experience heightened levels of smugness when you realise how little (hard) exercise you actually need :-)