What Are The Best Dumbbells For A Home Gym?

Bodyweight training is great. I go on and on about it. More so than any other method it offers you complete fitness freedom.

Workout at home, outside in the fresh air, at the gym, in your hotel room, down at the beach. Whatever suits you best.

I love this aspect of bodyweight training.


It's not without its drawbacks. Managing progression can be a bit awkward. Body proportions (and size) can work against you. Without something to hang from its hard to challenge your back muscles. Many lower body exercises soon become too easy.

Which is why the addition of some dumbbells to your home gym setup can be such a good investment. Once armed you will be able to add resistance to your favourite lower body exercises, expand the options for upper body exercises and effectively hit the pulling muscles on the back of your body.

But which dumbbells are best for home use?

My personal favourite and go-to recommendation would be a pair of PowerBlocks. I’ve been using them in my mobile PT business for many years and they tick all the boxes.

The Best Dumbbells For A Home Gym - PowerBlocks.jpg

Benefits Of PowerBlocks

  • Extremely comfortable to use

  • Compact and easily stored away (perfect for home use)

  • Whole set of dumbbells in one conveniently sized block (great value)

  • Adjust the load quickly and easily (so you aren’t hanging around between sets)

  • Simple mechanism (so there is very little which can go wrong or break)

  • Available in a range of different weight categories (suitable to all fitness levels)

The Best Dumbbell For A Home Gym - Sample Exercises.jpg

So PowerBlocks get my vote. Really not sure you could want much more from a home dumbbell set. What about you… any brand you would like to rave about? Let me know.

PS - For lots more dumbbell exercises you can do to build a fitter and stronger body check out my complete GTS Workout Program by clicking on the button below.