Simple Cardio Exercises Beginners Can Do At Home

Yesterday I outlined 4 simple exercises beginners can do at home to build strength in their legs, hips, chest, arms and back. But what about cardio? No problem. Using just your own bodyweight you can create an effective conditioning routine which gets your cardiovascular system pumping, boosts your energy levels and improves your fitness. Outlined below is a sample routine which beginners can use to get started right away.


Ginga is a capoeira move which tests your balance and coordination whilst gently raising your heart rate without overly taxing any one muscle group. It’s like a low impact version of jogging on the spot and makes a great active recovery compliment to more intense cardio calisthenics like the mountain climbers described below.

Mountain Climbers

A simple exercise which gets the heart rate going and strengthens the muscles in your arms and mid-section. Adopt a strong push up posture with hands under shoulders and a long straight spine. Maintaining this posture smoothly lift one knee up towards your chest without letting your foot touch the ground. Reverse to the starting position then repeat with the other knee. Continue at a steady rhythmic pace for time! To make the exercise easier perform with your hands on an elevated surface like a coffee table.

Beginner ROUTINE

  • Ginga - 60 seconds

  • Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds

  • Rest - 30 seconds

  • Repeat for 5 rounds (10 minutes)

Thanks for reading! For lots more exercises you can do at home to build a fitter, stronger body check out my complete GTS Workout Program by clicking on the button below.