Good Wolf v Bad Wolf

There is a famous Native American story where a grandfather is sitting with his grandson telling him about the two wolves we all have fighting inside of us.

The good wolf and the bad wolf.

The good wolf represents positive emotions like joy, peace, love, kindness and generosity. The bad wolf represents negative emotions like anger, greed, regret, jealousy and resentment.

Reflecting on this news the grandson looks up and asks; “So which one wins?”

To which his grandfather replies; “The one you feed.”

It’s a powerful reminder of the internal conflict we all face and how our daily decisions and choices shape our mindset and happiness for the better or worse.

And you can apply exactly the same lesson to the world of fitness.

Like the good wolf and the bad wolf we all have a fit wolf and an unfit wolf living inside of us.

The fit wolf likes regular movement, challenging exercise and nutritious food.

The unfit wolf likes takeaway meals, the sofa and a few too many drinks.

Which one wins?

It’s the one you feed.