Block Training With Bodyweight Exercises

Block training is a popular way to focus your exercise on specific exercise goals for predetermined periods (or blocks) of time.

One popular format in the weights room is based on a four week cycle which includes two weeks of low rep resistance training and two weeks of high rep resistance training.

This simple combination allows you to seamlessly challenge the strength and endurance of your muscles and energy systems whilst making excellent improvements in body composition over a four week period.

And the same formula works really well with bodyweight exercises too.

For two weeks you focus on maximum strength using harder bodyweight progressions like weighted push ups and pull ups, single limb exercises and trickier static holds. The workouts within these weeks are typically characterized by a lower number of reps per set, longer rests between sets and a higher number of total sets.

Then for two weeks you focus on strength endurance using easier bodyweight exercises like basic rows, push ups, squats and lunges. The workouts within these weeks are typically characterized by a higher number of reps per set, shorter rests between sets and lower number of total sets.

Importantly this format also gives your joints and connective tissues crucial time away from the continuous grind of heavy lifting!

Try it and see.