What Are Drop Sets?

Drop set training is used primarily by bodybuilders to increase exercise volume per set. It works by lowering the resistance being lifted at strategically timed points throughout a set thereby allowing the lifter to perform more repetitions than they otherwise would have been capable of. The resulting increase in exercise volume helps stimulate muscle growth.

Traditionally drop set training would be done using an external resistance such as dumbbells and would look something like this;

  • Perform a set of dumbbell chest presses with 30kg
  • Continue until you can do no more reps
  • Replace with a lighter pair of dumbbells e.g. 20kg
  • Continue until you can do no more reps
  • Replace with a lighter pair of dumbbells e.g. 10kg
  • Continue until you can do no more reps

Simple. However, if you wanted to perform a drop set routine using bodyweight calisthenics it is a little more complicated as you do not have an external load to reduce. Instead you must find another way of dropping the intensity of the exercise. This is achieved by regressing the movement pattern to a version with more favorable leverage. For example if i wanted to perform a drop set using push ups I could do something that looked like this;

  • Perform a set of decline push ups
  • Continue until you can do no more reps
  • Transition to regular push ups
  • Continue until you can do no more reps
  • Transition to incline push ups
  • Continue until you can do no more reps

By adjusting the leverage of the movement you create the same incremental reductions in resistance allowing you to continue performing repetitions for a longer period of time. Great for increasing the training volume of a workout. 

Give this a shot.