Using Pre-Commitment Strategies to Forge Healthier Habits

In Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, the hero Ulysses faced a perilous journey past the seductive Sirens whose enchanting voices lured sailors to their demise. Forewarned of the danger Ulysses devised a clever plan to resist temptation. He ordered his crew to bind him to the mast and instructed them to disregard his pleas for release, no matter how forceful they might become. In doing so Ulysses understood the power of pre-commitment – a strategy we can apply to our own lives to avoid unhealthy behaviours and forge healthier habits.

What are Pre-Commitment Strategies?

Pre-commitment strategies involve making a binding decision in advance, establishing a clear intention to act in a specific way, even when faced with future temptations or distractions. They allow us to exert self-control and counteract the pull of immediate gratification by setting up barriers to prevent short-term temptations from sabotaging our long-term aspirations!

Here are some examples:

Remove Temptations: Just as Ulysses instructed his crew to ignore his pleas we can eliminate temptations from our environment. For example, if you're trying to eat healthier clear your pantry of unhealthy snacks and stock it with nutritious alternatives. That way you can’t reach for a chocolate bar or bag of crisps when hunger strikes!

Reduce Friction: While removing temptations makes it harder to do behaviours you want to avoid reducing friction around the behaviours you want to do makes it more likely you will follow through. The classic example is getting your workout gear ready the night before you plan to exercise. By taking a few minutes to prepare your gear in advance you eliminate potential barriers and excuses that may arise in the morning. This simple act of preparation not only saves you time and reduces stress in the morning but also serves as a visual reminder of your commitment to prioritize your health and fitness goals.

Share Your Goals: Ulysses could have tied himself to the mast in private but he involved his crew who held him accountable. Similarly, sharing your goals with others – friends, family, or a support group adds a layer of external accountability. It makes it harder for you to veer off track as you wouldn't want to disappoint those who believe in your journey.

Set Specific Rules: Ulysses knew that once the Sirens' voices reached his ears his willpower would waver. In a similar vein we now live in an environment where you can never avoid temptation entirely. To combat this establish specific rules and guidelines for yourself. For example, if you want to reduce screen time set a daily limit and utilize app timers or alarms to enforce it. By defining the boundaries in advance you minimize the chances of making impulsive decisions.

Create Incentives and Penalties: Establishing incentives and penalties can motivate us to stick to our commitments. Reward yourself for reaching milestones along the way and set consequences for not following through. For example, you could donate money to a cause you don't support if you fail to meet your goal.


The story of Ulysses tying himself to the mast serves as a powerful reminder of the effectiveness of pre-commitment strategies. By pre-empting temptation and putting solutions in place we can overcome the urge of immediate gratification and better align our actions with our long-term goals to forge healthier habits.