The Exercise Hump: Overcoming Your Lizard Brain

I don’t know about you but I’ve often found the willpower required to start exercising is a lot higher than the willpower required to continue once started.

I call it the exercise hump.

It’s like a roadblock which your irrational lizard brain puts between you and an activity which your logical human brain knows is worth doing.

Sometimes the hump is high. Sometimes it’s low. But it’s usually there.

For example:

It’s raining > Lizard brain > Screw this > No walk today

I’m busy > Lizard brain > Screw this > No workout today

Even though in either scenario we would probably have felt better by ignoring our lizard brains well intentioned but ultimately unhelpful signals.

What to do about it?

First of all see if there is anything you can do to preemptively flatten the exercise hump.

For example:

Training from home to avoid the extra gym commute, agreeing to workout with a friend or partner or planning your exercise for a time when you will face fewer interruptions.

Whatever you can do to lessen the resistance your lizard brain will likely try to throw your way.

Secondly, accept the exercise hump when it arises. Notice it. But don’t identify with it.

“Oh look my lizard brain is trying to stop me training again”

Creating some separation between you and your thoughts instantly lessens their power and grip over your actions.

It’s a lesson straight from the various schools of meditation, stoicism and mindfulness.

Proactively flatten the exercise hump + Detachment from unhelpful thoughts = Fewer roadblocks between you and your exercise goals.