Sleep Tip: Limit Your Exposure To Screens In The Hours Before Bed

Good sleep is the glue which holds all the other pieces of the fitness puzzle together.

Without it we lack energy, feel more hungry, crave sugary food and struggle to exercise.

Easy to say yet as someone who has suffered terribly with insomina in the past I know getting a good nights sleep is not always easy.

One tip you can use to help:

Minimise your screen time in the hours before bed.

This helps in two ways:

First of all it limits your exposure to blue light which is emitted by the screens and blunts the release of melatonin (your sleepy hormone!)

Secondly it allows your mind to calm down. Jumping back and forth between websites, rapidly scrolling through social media feeds, getting stressed over work emails. All this stuff makes it much harder for your mind to relax which results in a broken nights rest.

Try it for a month.

One or two hours before bed close down all your screens and see if you notice a difference!