Lifting + Walking = The Perfect Exercise Combination!

Pairing resistance training and walking is like having a nutritious salad with your favourite dressing – they complement each other perfectly.

Outlined below are some of the key benefits this exercise duo provides:

Stronger Muscles: Lifting is your muscle-building powerhouse. Whether using weights, bands or your own bodyweight, it gives your body a strong foundation for other physical activities. Think of it as the base that keeps your body stable. Plus, it ensures your upper body gets a workout too, resulting in a well-rounded physique.

Boosted Calorie Burn: Strength training kicks your metabolism into a higher gear, even when you're just chilling. Useful for weight management. Maintaining a highly weekly step count also helps ramp up your calorie-burn and energy expenditure without adding excessive physical stress to your muscles and connective tissues.

Injury Prevention: Beyond muscular gains, strength training toughens up your bones, tendons, and ligaments. This extra durability significantly lowers the risk of getting hurt during everyday life – it's like having a hidden shield.

Improved Posture: Thanks to strength training, your core and back become robust, making you stand tall and proud. This not only looks great but also reduces the strain on your spine.

Heart Health: Walking is excellent for your cardiovascular system. It keeps your heart healthy, lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart diseases. It's like giving your ticker a daily workout!

Stress Buster: Walking is known for its stress-reducing benefits. It's a great way to clear your mind, relax and de-stress after a long day. Think of it as a calming spa treatment for your mind and body.

In summary, blending strength training and walking is a match made in fitness heaven. Strength training builds muscles and ramps up your metabolism while walking keeps you active, promotes heart health, reduces stress and lets you commune with nature.

For most people it’s all you’ll ever need.