Escape The Hedonic Treadmill To Improve Your Health And Fitness

The hedonic treadmill is a psychological phenomenon that refers to the human tendency to adapt to positive or negative experiences and return to a relatively stable level of happiness or satisfaction over time. It suggests that regardless of changes to our circumstances, such as wealth or material possessions, we tend to revert to our previous level of well-being.

When it comes to fitness, this hedonic treadmill can sabotage our progress in several ways:

Reliance on External Rewards: The pursuit of fitness goals often involves setting external rewards as incentives for achievement, such as treating yourself to unhealthy foods or buying new workout gear. However, these rewards are short-lived and can create a reliance on external stimuli for motivation. This can lead to a cycle of indulgence and setbacks as the temporary pleasure of the reward fades and the desire for the next reward arises.

Unfulfilled Expectations: The hedonic treadmill can foster unrealistic expectations regarding fitness outcomes. For instance, you might believe that achieving a certain body weight or appearance will bring lasting happiness and self-acceptance. However, once these goals are attained the initial excitement subsides and you may find yourself unsatisfied or desiring further changes. This can lead to a perpetual cycle of striving for unattainable ideals and feeling dissatisfied with your progress.

Lack Of Intrinsic Motivation: Initially engaging in exercise or adopting healthy habits may bring joy and a sense of accomplishment. However, as you adapt to the routine the novelty wears off and the initial satisfaction diminishes. Without cultivating intrinsic motivation such as a genuine enjoyment of physical activity or a focus on overall well-being you may struggle to maintain commitment and consistency in your fitness journey.

Emotional Eating And Rewarding: The hedonic treadmill can contribute to emotional eating patterns and using food as a reward for your physical exertion. You may associate indulging in unhealthy foods with pleasure and comfort leading to a cycle of using food to seek temporary happiness or alleviate negative emotions. Unfortunately this is a costly feel-good strategy which ultimately undermines your fitness goals and overall well-being.

To overcome the impact of the hedonic treadmill on fitness it’s important to shift your focus from external rewards and short-term pleasures to intrinsic motivation and sustainable habits. Emphasising the intrinsic benefits of exercise, setting realistic goals, embracing the process of self-improvement and fostering a positive mindset can help break free from the cycle of seeking fleeting happiness and promote long-term fitness success.