Escape The Comfort Zone Trap

As humans we are naturally wired to seek out comfort.

Indeed much of the global economy is built around feeding this insatiable desire!

The problem is too much comfort can easily become a trap.

And exercise is no exception.

Picture this: you're training regularly but doing the same exercises, at the same intensity, week after week. While it may feel like a safe haven, and it’s certainly better than doing nothing, staying in your comfort zone will blunt your progress and limit your overall fitness.


Adhering to a fixed exercise routine without variation allows the body to adapt and reach a plateau. As the body becomes accustomed to the demands of the exercise, progress slows down or stagnates altogether. Stepping outside your comfort zone by altering intensity levels and diversifying your training methods can reignite progress!

Restricted Gains

By staying within your comfort zone you limit your potential for overall fitness gains. Exploring different exercises, embracing variety, chasing new challenges and targeting underdeveloped areas can unlock untapped potential and lead to comprehensive physical improvement.

Dwindling Motivation

For some of us the absence of new challenges and variety in an exercise routine can lead to a lack of excitement and reduced motivation. Setting new goals and mixing up your workouts can help reignite this enthusiasm to sustain your fitness over the long haul. After all, staying in shape is a lifelong journey!

So, there you have it. Sticking to what you have always done when it comes to exercise can lead to plateauing, limited gains and dwindling motivation.

True growth happens when you step outside your comfort zone!