Craving v Contentment: Separating Pleasure And Happiness In The Pursuit Of Fitness

Pleasure and happiness may some like the same thing but they have distinct characteristics and for long-term health and fitness it’s important to distinguish between the two.


Pleasure is a temporary and often sensory experience of enjoyment or gratification. It is typically linked to immediate sensory or emotional stimuli, such as eating a delicious meal, enjoying a warm bath, or experiencing a thrilling moment. Pleasure tends to be short-lived and focused on satisfying immediate desires. It is often associated with activities that provide instant gratification and can sometimes lead to impulsive behaviors.


Happiness is a broader and more enduring emotional state. It involves a sense of contentment, well-being and overall life satisfaction. Happiness is not solely dependent on immediate pleasures; it can arise from a sense of purpose, meaningful relationships, personal growth, and a positive outlook on life. Unlike pleasure, happiness is a more stable and long-term emotional state that is less susceptible to fluctuations caused by temporary events or experiences.

When it comes to fitness, it's important to distinguish between pleasure and happiness for a few reasons:

Long-Term Goals: Fitness goals often involve making choices that might not always bring immediate pleasure. For example, sticking to a healthy diet or maintaining a consistent exercise routine might not always be pleasurable in the moment, but they contribute to long-term well-being and happiness.

Sustainable Lifestyle: Relying solely on activities that provide instant pleasure like eating sugary foods or avoiding physical activity can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Focusing on activities that bring happiness through improved health, increased energy and a positive self-image can lead to a more sustainable approach to fitness.

Avoiding Pitfalls: Distinguishing between pleasure and happiness can help individuals avoid falling into the trap of seeking short-term pleasures that may have negative long-term consequences. For example, overeating junk food might bring momentary pleasure but can lead to health issues, weight gain and decreased happiness in the long run.

Balancing Enjoyment And Health: It's essential to find a balance between enjoying pleasurable activities (like indulging in a treat occasionally) and making choices that contribute to overall happiness (like maintaining a healthy lifestyle). This balance allows for occasional pleasures without sacrificing long-term well-being.

Much of the the modern environment and economy is built around pleasure. But it’s plain for all to see this is having negative consequences on our mental and physical health.

Short-term pleasure is often misaligned with long-term happiness!

This is particularly important in the context of health and fitness where sacrificing some short-term pleasure in pursuit of sustainable habits and positive lifestyle changes plays a significant role in achieving long-term happiness.